I’m here to help you master emotional balance by having alone time.


Life Coach Mar

All I ever wanted was to get married and have kids, but I couldn’t understand why I didn’t like my life. Maybe you can relate.

My name is Marinda. I’m married to the love of my life and we have 6 kids, but I used to struggle with anxiety + depression. I thought something was wrong with me because I didn’t have energy for my life.

Being social was completely draining and I felt like I didn’t have any friends who understood what it was like to be me, and I needed things to be a certain way just so I could feel normal.

  • my alone time was vital to my ability to show up

  • I needed a clean + clutter free home

  • my goals were necessary for my happiness

I didn’t know that these things were normal for Highly Sensitive People. I didn’t even know what an HSP was! But the more I learned about it, it was like reading a book that was all about me and it showed me that nothing was wrong with me

I started living my life in a way that supported my nature by making sure I had alone time and that I used my coaching tools to stay balanced. 


Here’s what happened.

Having alone time gave me space and emotional resilience. As an HSP, you need space to process your emotions. Your nervous system is more affected by the energy around you, and you need space to let go of what doesn’t belong to you.

This makes you feel lighter, and having more energy allows you to pay attention to your kids, upgrade your the home life, and have something about you that you actually look forward to.

When you become emotionally resilient, you become more capable. Things that currently feel hard or impossible, become doable. 

I love working with moms like you because I know how hard it can be to enjoy being a mom when it seems like you can’t stand it.

But the reason you can’t stand it isn’t because you don’t like kids. It’s because you need space. You need alone time to recenter yourself, and I can teach you how.

When you work with me we will clear your mind and simplify your life so you can have guilt free alone time on the regular. I know you can do this because I have a simple path ready for you to follow. I’ll hold your hand and you will feel supported. You will know the smallest first step to take and what to do next to keep the momentum going.

After our time together it will be normal for you to have alone time. It won’t be a big deal. Your entire family will expect it and support you in it. You will feel spacious, energetic, and free. 

Coaching with me will always stay private and confidential.

  • I find myself saying, "I've got this. I'm good. I can do this." It feels so good.

  • I can't believe this is my life now.

  • I'm so glad you came into my life! It feels like just in the nick of time.

  • I'm a good mom. I actually believe that now. I'm not ruining my kids. I'm okay. We're okay.

Ready to feel better?
Coach with me and finally enjoy being you.