I help moms stop feeling guilty for needing alone time


have solitude

create space

feel better

Overstimulation is keeping you from enjoying your life.

I always wanted to be a stay at home mom, but I couldn’t stand my life. I was resentful, over anxious, and overwhelmed. Then I found out that I am a Highly Sensitive empath, and coaching started helping me feel better right away.

Highly Sensitive Moms are more susceptible to the energy around them. The very things that we love the most can be the most challenging: our kids, our husband, and our home. I know how exhausting it can be trying to enjoy life when all you want is a break.

Coaching taught me how to honor my sensitive nature and be in control of my emotions regardless of what’s going on at home or what the people in my life are doing.

As a mom of six and certified life coach, I’ve discovered that consistent alone time is a key factor to showing up strong for your life. Having alone time and knowing how to coach yourself allows you to feel better and enjoy being you.

Coach with me and change your life.

As an empath, your energy is limited. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your mental health (or your goals) in order to enjoy being mom and running the household.
I can help you feel better.

There is a way to enjoy your life and feel better on the regular.

and it has nothing to do with taking a bath.
Here’s how…


daily solitude

You need quiet mindset coffee alone time on the regular.



Your goals matter and you need consistent time to make progress.


simplified space

You need a decluttered and meaningful home that’s easy to maintain.

  • “I have so much more awareness, I’m paying attention to how I’m feeling and what my thoughts are. I feel more stable, more in control, more trusting of myself.”

  • “My routines have kept me sane throughout this renovation. If I didn’t have my routines in place before this I would be a mess. All I had to do was look at my binder. There is so much relief. I can still do what I want. I actually CAN keep doing what I do.”

  • “I feel good today. Safe, settled, excited. Actually supported. Just because I’m paying attention and making decisions from a different place—it’s working. There’s enough. It’s all there.”

  • “I now have unbreakable standards to keep the overwhelm down. I do the planning and follow my routines. The practice of it works so well, there isn’t room for overwhelm. There’s only room for what’s on your list.”

Ready to be the mom that feels capable?

You’re not too sensitive and your standards aren’t too high. You have a gift that you just haven’t learned how to use.


click ‘get coached’


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start having alone time

 free download

Stop doing what’s not working.

Learn the 3 Mistakes keeping you from having alone time.